Carbon Cycle

Carbon cycle


                 Carbon is one of the elements that is located in the row 2 group 14 and it’s the symbol is C. Carbon is really important because there are a lot of things that have Carbon in it, such as pencil leads, coals, chalks, and even diamonds. It also helps a lot of things such as photosynthesis, breaking down wastes, make glucose for human and more. All of that stuff is called the carbon cycle, it is the cycle of the carbon at the atmosphere, on land, and underground(the picture above). There are many processes in the carbon cycle

  • Photosynthesis: when the tree absorbs the carbon dioxide from the air and release the oxygen back to the air.
  • Respiration: the process that happens in al living things and adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
  • Animal respiration – when animal fart, poop, or waste that release the C02 to the atmosphere.
  • Plant respiration – when the trees release the C02 at night.
  • Decomposition: when the bacteria break down dead plants, animal, waste and more and returns the nutrients to the soil to be taken up by the plants.
  • Combustion: the process that gets bunned by human activity and adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

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