Digital drawing

                In round 5 we can choose a project that we want to work on for a week. That’s because our teacher wants us to be independent and also that we can learn the things that we like to learn more about. So, I decided to choose Digital Drawing as my project because I love drawing and I also get inspired by a comic book website call Webtoon. Their arts are great and the colors are so cool.

               First, I learn by watching a lot of videos. I have to use the drawing tablet, tools in photoshop because I use that app to draw and coloring which is the part that I am bad at. Before I draw the picture that I want to draw for my project, I practice drawing many things like the one below:

Some of them take a few hours but I’m really proud of the outcome. After all of the practice, I know a lot of things about digital drawing.


Therefore, I started my main portrait of the project. First I started drawing the outline.

It takes me some times to draw because you have to draw it a lot of times and you have to make sure the line is straight. Then, you can color it. There is also a lot of stuff you need to learn like the size of the brush, color, type of brush and how to color on the picture.

After the project, I have learned a lot within the challenges. It also inspires me to do more of the digital drawing. I hope this also inspires you to draw like me.

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