
           In round 2, for Technology and Multimedia class we learn about the camera. First, we learn what is exposure. Exposure is the amount of light that reaches into your camera and it determined how dark or bright your photo look. There are three things that can affect exposure such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.

           Shutter speed is the amount of time that the shutter in the camera open to allow the light to go in.  If the shutter speed is doubled, the doubles amount of light come in. The higher the number is, the brighter and bluer the photo will be. For example, 2s(second) is slower than 1/100 so the photo will be blur and it will make your photo brighter.

           Aperture is how large or small the side of the lens in the camera is, which allows the light to come through. The larger the number is, the smaller the lens open. The aperture affects the depth of field. It means if you make the number higher, the background will be clear but if the number is low the background will be blur. It also affects the light for example, if the lens is small the less light will come in.

( high number )  ( low number )

           ISO is how sensitive your camera is to light. There are levels with numbers of ISO on your camera such as 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 etc. The higher the number is, the more sensitive your camera is to light so your photo will be brighter than how it looks in real life. If your ISO is too high it also will make the photo has noises( like the one above ). So it is good to keep your ISO low, but if you want to make your photo brighter your first step is to change the shutter speed and the aperture.

           Overall, I learn a lot of things about the camera and I can apply it my every life by taking pictures.  In the future, I hope that I can apply it bigger than this.

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